Ok so I get lots of forwarded emails from friends and from people I have no freaking clue who they are. Usually my pops will forward me some really funny emails and then I get some that make me wonder if someone hacked into my dads email and stole his identity. Today I get a fowarded email from a close friend. The title says "This has a very good chance...." Immediately red flags pop up in my mind. Is this a work safe email? Are their dirty pictures? Should I even bother to open this or could someone have stolen my buddies email and password like I think happened to my dad.
So since I am not an "employee" of anyone at the moment. I am just a my own boss and "employee" until some company believes in my education and background. Right now I am a salesman. Being a salesman I can open any email without fear! I opened the forward and it asked the question of this being the funniest movie of all time.
Wow, are you serious? Granted most movies in todays society suck because there is no creative thought. It all stems from pornographic words, thoughts and images that somehow audiences in theatres laugh at. Seriously there are some very disgusting movies that are awarded the "comedy" title and it makes me barf. Maybe the writers should have stayed on strike a little longer because if movies and shows have to resort to sex to get a "laugh" then our society has gone to "hell in a handbasket" as my dad would say.
Ok so you tell me, does this movie have the potential to be the funniest movie ever?
I'll go out on a limb and venture "no" even if Will Farrell is in the movie and I think he is one of the funniest guys in America right now. But to say the funniest movie ever. I will laugh at anything and everything. I think laughing makes people live longer. I want to live to a healthy old age and the best way to do that is laugh.
But come on film industry, give me something really funny to laugh at that does not involve sexual words, actions, and thoughts. Yes I know you will probably have to fire the writers that you just pulled back off the strike, but do something will you!
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